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YUMINST’s water leak detection sensor at Lotte World Mall

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Chairman Lee In-won of Lotte C&T’s Safety Management Committee announced that he personally inspected the construction site and facilities at Lotte World Mall on the 13th.

Chairman Lee In-won and other Lottee executives and employees of the Safety Management Committee held a safety inspection meeting and inspected the cineplex, aquarium, and concert hall under construction to check for safety risks.

In preparation for heavy rains during the monsoon season, facilities around the complex, including drains and pumps, were inspected along with virtual training.

In order to ensure safety at construction sites, the Lotte World Mall Safety Management Committee changed the existing system of two warnings in the event of an on-site accident to a “one-strike-out system,” and further increased safety inspections of the cineplex and aquarium.

In addition, about 100 safety personnel were assigned to each area and on-duty staff logs were implemented to ensure accountability.

Currently, Lotte World Mall is monitoring any tremors in the movie screens at Cinema 14 twice a day to ensure the safety of people.

The aquarium plans to monitor water leak detection sensors 24 hours a day and measure aquarium acrylic deformation twice a day while reporting inspection results weekly on Lotte World Mall’s website.

Chairman Lee In-won who is also the vice chairman of the Lotte Group, said, “The aquarium and cineplex have reopened after a huge effort. Please continue to make efforts to ensure that customers can feel safe without neglecting even the smallest detail until the construction of Lotte World Tower is complete.”

Meanwhile, the Lotte World Tower PR Center plans to expand programs targeting college students and citizens to address misunderstandings about skyscrapers and to help citizens feel safe.

Reporter Jeong Hye-in